Animal Testing Pros and Cons Essay Introduction. The Greeks believed that animals were a lesser form of life because animals could not think like Animal testing helps in the development of drugs and treatments.. Currently, humans are often exposed to various The importance of human Mar 18, · Opponents of animal testing say that it is cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals, that alternative methods available to researchers can replace animal testing, and that animals are so different from human beings that research on animals often yields irrelevant results. Read more background Pro & Con ArgumentsEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins May 14, · They believe it is wrong to treat animals simply as tools and objects for furthering knowledge. Those who oppose animal testing also believe that an animal should have as much right as a human being to live out a full life, free of pain and suffering/5(29)
Animal Testing - Pros & Cons -
Animal testing is one of those concepts that raise a diverse set of opinions. It is a major component in aiding medicine since the time of early Greek physicians.
Medical researchers need to understand health problems before they can develop ways to treat them. Some diseases and health problems involve processes that can only be studied in a living organism. Some say animals are necessary to medical research when it is impractical or unethical to use humans. Animals are considered good research subjects for a variety of reasons.
Animals are biologically similar to humans. They are liable to many of the same health problems, and they have short life cycles so they can easily be studied throughout their whole life span or across several generations. In addition, scientists can easily control the environment around the animal like diet, temperature and lighting; which would be difficult to do with people.
However, the most important reason why animals are used is that it would be wrong to deliberately expose human beings to health risks in order to observe the course of a disease.
Performing tests on animals is extremely crucial to improve the quality and animal testing cons essay lives of animal testing cons essay. Animal testing in laboratories is the reason why medicine has advanced tremendously. In fact, seven out of the ten most recent Nobel Prizes in medicine, were based on animal testing. Research done in facilities is the reason why we now have antibiotics for infections, vaccines to help protect us from deadly viruses, and surgery for injuries, illnesses and deformities.
It has also been proven to benefit the living creatures as well. The tests and the research done in laboratories and facilities has created treatments for animals, thus helping improve their health and increase their lifespan.
Household pets, wild species, and even endangered animals all have something to gain from animal testing. Nowadays, animal testing has opened the doors to vaccinations for rabies, tetanus, parvovirus along with other illness that are common in dogs, cats and many domesticated animals.
Animal testing aids in ensuring that all living organisms whether it be human or animal live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Humans are very complex organisms and there is still is so much more to know about the chemicals and interactions and structure of both animals and humans, animal testing cons essay. The only way scientists can discover more possibilities for the sake of mankind is through the organisms that have traits like humans.
In biomedical research multiple tests involve the cells, DNA and proteins, and there is nothing that can quite substitute the living organisms when it comes down to research. Many different animals are used for animal testing. To name a animal testing cons essay that are present in laboratories are monkeys, mice, cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. However, specific animals are preferred for conducting specific research in particular areas.
Dogs that are used for animal testing for instance, consist of young beagles who are frequently used for conducting research in cardiovascular issues, animal testing cons essay.
Other animals are used for genetic research, heart and lung research, research pertaining to animal testing cons essay, cancer research, and orthopedics which include the creation of prosthetic devices used for hip and knee replacements, etc.
Of the many animals animal testing cons essay, researchers frequently use rabbits in toxicity and safety testing of medical devices, vaccines, and drugs. According to Robinson, inoverrabbits were used in research, more than any other species covered under the Animal Welfare Act AWAfollowed next by guinea pigs and hamsters, who are both used a great deal in toxicity testing and as models for infectious, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases, animal testing cons essay, and drug abuse research.
Both mice and rats are heavily used in vaccine and drug research and testing, and birds are used in research on organ development and deformity, visual impairment, muscular dystrophy, and nutrition. Among the many animals that are used for research in laboratories the chimpanzees, are the most common. Some disagree with animals being test models for science research. Animal testing is an issue, because of the controversy that it brings.
There is no doubt that it is a highly disputable, ethical topic. There is a constant ongoing debate about the ethics of animal experimentation and testing. They believe it is wrong to treat animals simply as tools and objects for furthering knowledge. Those who oppose animal testing also believe that an animal should have as much right as a human animal testing cons essay to live out a full life, free of pain and suffering. However, animal testing cons essay, due to the advancement that is now available in both science and technology, the question that ponders upon many is in fact, if animal testing truly is crucial for the betterment of humans?
The use of live creatures in facilities for biomedical research, has gained an extreme amount of judgement by those who oppose it.
Animal rights activists and animal rights group have done their share of raising awareness to the controversial issue and helping to make a change. Those who oppose it strongly believe that using innocent creatures and risking their lives and health is not worth compensating for humans.
Many facilities have been proven to abuse the animals they use for biomedical research and treat them under high amounts of cruelty and mistreatment, animal testing cons essay. Thus, laws have been created and put forth to make animal testing more humane. Animal Testing Pros and Cons. com, May 14, animal testing cons essay, Accessed May 19, comMay We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. Did you like this example?
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Is Animal Testing Necessary?
, time: 1:18Animal Testing Pros and Cons - Free Essay Example |
Mar 18, · Opponents of animal testing say that it is cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals, that alternative methods available to researchers can replace animal testing, and that animals are so different from human beings that research on animals often yields irrelevant results. Read more background Pro & Con ArgumentsEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins Mar 14, · Most people believe animal testing is essential to drug and vaccine research. Which is true, in a sense, because scientist have come up with a lot of vaccines for certain viruses. However, during the process, animals are treated poorly and their cages are in awful conditions/5(43) Animal testing Essays. Medical Animal Testing should be Banned. Medical animal testing should be banned for there being other humane testing methods that exist. Because Pros and Cons of Animal Testing. Animal Testing: is it Ethical? Animal Testing in
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