· The Harmful Effects of Smoking on Health and Social Care Essay Introduction. There are many chemicals contained in tobacco smoke that pose health risks both to smokers and nonsmokers. Conclusion. Smoking affects almost every organ of the human body and is thus detrimental to health. It causes Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Several puffs lead to the formation of a habit. Soon smoking begins to affect the health of the smoker. He becomes a chain-smoker. This smoke is toxic and the nicotine in the cigarette is known to cause cancer. It is ironic that despite the fact that every smoker is aware of the ill effects of smoking, he does not give it blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min · Cigarette smoking is now becoming a big issue throughout the world and especially in the Philippines. Because of this, the researchers finds it interesting to make a research paper about it. The researchers wants to know the cause and effect of cigarette smoking amongst her fellow student in Agoo Montessori Learning Center and High School blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Introduction Cigarette Smoking Free Essay Example
Cigarette smoking is now becoming a big issue throughout the world and especially in the Philippines. Because of this, the researchers finds it interesting to make a research paper about it.
The researchers wants to know the cause and effect of cigarette smoking amongst her fellow student in Agoo Montessori Learning Center and High School Inc. The researchers think that everyone knows the side effects that the cigarette is giving to its user but the hardest thing to understand is that why do smokers still smoke regardless of its bad effects.
Scientist and medical researchers says that the smoke from a cigarette contains more than chemicals, which could have various toxic, cigarette smoking essay, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects.
The content and concentration of chemical ingredients cigarette smoking essay vary widely from one brand or type of cigarette to the next.
Some of these chemicals are Methanol, Nicotine, Tar, and Vinyl Chloride. Just imagine this chemicals goes inside a human body, it will surely destroy the body slowly until that person dies. Because the number of smokers in the Philippines is tremendously increasing, the government have already make a move regarding this issue. They have passed a law called the sin tax bill and they think that it may be the solution in their problem.
The results of this study will encourage the readers to help and encourage their friends and loved ones to quit smoking. This research will provide them enough information that will enable them to discourage people in using cigarette. Also, the findings of this study will guide the administration in making a solution for the smokers in their university. They can establish a seminar regarding the contents and side effects of a cigarette that will make the cigarette smokers think twice wheter they will continue smoking or not.
Introduction Cigarette Smoking. Accessed May 19, Introduction Cigarette Smoking Categories: Cigarette Smoking Research. Download paper. Essay, Pages 2 words. Introduction Cigarette smoking is now becoming a big issue throughout the world and especially in the Philippines. Get a verified writer to cigarette smoking essay you with Introduction Cigarette Smoking. Top Writers. Verified expert. Cite this page Introduction Cigarette Smoking. Cigarette smoking essay Essays, cigarette smoking essay.
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The Glamorization of Smoking in Media - A Video Essay
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· Smoking cigarettes has side effects. One side effect is the premature wrinkling of the skin. Other side effects include: bad breath, stained hair, stained teeth, odorous hair, and odorous clothing. Smoking leads to macular degeneration, the slow loss of vision common in the elderly · Cigarette smoking is now becoming a big issue throughout the world and especially in the Philippines. Because of this, the researchers finds it interesting to make a research paper about it. The researchers wants to know the cause and effect of cigarette smoking amongst her fellow student in Agoo Montessori Learning Center and High School blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins · Cigarette smoking involves inhaling smoke into the lungs. A cigarette contains more than poisonous chemicals such as nicotine, arsenic, methane, ammonia, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, butane, and hydrogen cyanide. Inhaled cigarette smoke can damage the lungs’ cilia, tiny hair-like structures that sweep away debris from the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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