Jan 03, · TQM stands for Total Quality Management. It is a managerial tool used to improve the efficiency and profitability of an organisation. TQM is a recent development in the field of management which emphasises the management accounting function and tries to systematise the production management. It has three core aspects – Quality Control, Quality Quality Glossary Definition: TQM A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long–term success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work Chapter Total Quality Management and Quality Teams Introduction Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that originated in the s and has steadily become more popular since the early s. Total quality management (TQM) is said as a management which approach to long term success with customer satisfaction
Evaluation Of Total Quality Management - Free Essay Example | blogger.com
A critical evaluation of total quality management TQM and its influences on competitive advantage. The case of Trinidad and Tobago Petroleum Marketing Company Limited NPautomotive lubricant division, total quality management essay.
Slack explains that Quality management is extremely important in gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Growth, survival and attainment of strategic goals are all major issues of any organization quality therefore become a major issue. Existing as a private label company NP has made their way into a market filled with experienced multinationals via for increased market share. Competitors compete in terms of pricing and quality, thus NP has to make a strong dent into the impact of the customer on these bases.
Vying for increased market share the need for core competencies arises and as such quality should be the number one focus, total quality management essay. As with many companies The Trinidad and Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited NP has an unfolding history. This company is owned by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and incorporated in Many acquisitions by the Government took place which put NP in its position within the industry today.
NP acquired the assets of Shell Trinidad Limited thereby inheriting their Lubricant Blending Plant sited at Sea Lots, on the outskirts of Port of Spain. Under license, it continued to produce a range of lubricants, blended according to the Shell formulations, until the National Petroleum Brand of lubricants was launched in Since then NP continues to improve its product rating, they keep abreast of significant technological advancement in the lubricants industry.
NP stands out as one of the most successful state enterprises in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, total quality management essay. Rivalry has always been a major determinant of quality of products or services. Quality management and competitive advantage is a marriage necessary for the success of a company. This aspect will be the basis of the issue as NP exists in an industry filled will multi-national players, thus competition is fierce and forceful.
With the economic downfall, companies were faced with increases in production costs, thus this cost was transferred to consumers.
During an economic turmoil customers demand value for their money. New methods of operations are expected to arise in an attempt to improve quality standards towards total quality management essay a better positioning within the industry. Insights of best practices are also expected to arise.
Improved efficiency and effectiveness in operations, branding, communication and services are all areas in which the researcher expects quality management to impact, thus this research can shed light on all of these areas to assist NP in attaining their mission and vision statement. To formulate recommendations with reference to quality management best practice and based on research findings. These aims are found to be most important as it is hoped to achieve a firsthand view into the quality management practices in relation to operations and how these practices contribute and impact on competitive advantage.
First hand knowledge is gained through the experiences of trial and error; companies have been able to create quality initiatives relevant to their operations. Various scholars have also contributed to the field of quality management by proposing models and frameworks. The researcher will examine secondary data from research to be conducted and analyze this against the literature review.
Major areas of this literature review will therefore total quality management essay. It is against these criteria that this literature review aims to provide pertinent information to critically assess the topic at hand.
A definition of what a literature review is given as 2. When considering business activities, ignoring quality can be a key ingredient for inefficiency and loss of profits. Hannagan claims The main objective of businesses is to make the highest profits possible; therefore one must consider the TQM issues in an attempt to succeed.
Feigenbaum introduced the term TQM and he defined it as. Hannagan presents the thought that Organizations adopt TQM as a way of life as it is proved by quality throughout production until the product or service reaches the external customer. This process is measured by the quality of materials purchased from suppliers, the approach to defect control on the production line, the appearance of the building, the way problems are solved for customers, the way employees total quality management essay organized and the organizations internal communication system, total quality management essay.
These initiatives include:. Slack argues that These programmes may loose their impulse over time. This has been variously described as quality disillusionment and quality droop. Various researchers and consultants who have implemented TQM, Slack argues have put forward prescriptions which are intended to reduce the risk of total quality management essay. These include the following:.
Make all quality improvement relate total quality management essay the performance objectives of the operations. TQM is a means of improving performance and not an end in itself. TQM should not be viewed as a substitute for responsibilities of normal managerial leadership. It is important to note that ineffective managers are not made better simply by adopting TQM. TQM is not an attachment of a company. It should be integrated with and indistinguishable from everyday activities.
TQM has a considerable intuitive attraction. Different organizations will have different needs depending on their circumstances. TQM should be adapted to these circumstances. Companies may push quality for its own sake, and shift too much responsibility down to the shop floor.
In addition TQM is incompatible with more radical improvement approaches such as business process reengineering BPR. TQM may also imply empowerment and liberal attitude toward shop floor staff; however it is argued that this is total quality management essay a further example of management exploiting workers.
Quality management system seeks to identify external quality related input requirements specified in Licenses to Trade, regulations, specified customer requirements and the chosen management system standard s, total quality management essay. In addition quality systems seek to define performance measures, as applicable, total quality management essay, to the system requirements and generate the result or evidence that system requirements have been executed.
The next step is to measure, monitor and report extent of compliance with these performance measures. To achieve a standard the first step is to implement a QMS.
Implementing a QMS can help your business to: achieve greater consistency, reduce expensive mistakes, increase efficiency, total quality management essay, gain customer satisfaction, total quality management essay, effectively market your business, exploit new markets manage growth more effectively and constantly improve your products, processes and systems. The ISO series of standards is the main set of International Standards applying to the management of quality systems, total quality management essay.
It includes ISOthe key internationally agreed standard for a QMS, total quality management essay. Achieving ISO certification could mean new business. Slack refers to the ISO series as Slack recognizes that there are four additional principles which ISO stresses upon. He argues that quality management should be customer focused.
In addition he states that quality performance should be measured. Thirdly Slack sees the need for quality management to be improvement driven. Fourthly top management must demonstrate their commitment to maintaining and continually improving management systems. The actual change to ISO for operations can be very expensive.
As is well known in business and industry, it is difficult to change the habits of long-time employees. New ways are usually resisted by everyone. This resistance cuts into profits and also decreases company morale. There are times when companies feel that the existing set of operational procedures is already working well and they do not feel a change is necessary.
Now these companies have the choice of loosing a customer or implementing ISO Either way money is lost in the short term.
Six Sigma simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects in any process whether it is from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.
The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement-based strategy that focuses on process improvement and total quality management essay reduction through the application of Six Sigma improvement projects. Slack explains that Six Sigma processes are executed via belts. Master Black Belts are the experts in the use of Six Sigma tools, techniques and implementations. Six Sigma Black Belts can take a direct hand in organizing improvement teams.
Green Belts work within improvement teams; they are not full-time positioned and have normal day-to-day process responsibilities. It is expected that they spend at least twenty per cent of their time in improvement projects. Improvement activity is generally neglected in most operations and if it is to be taken seriously, total quality management essay, it deserves the significant investment required.
If operated well, Six Sigma improvement projects controlled by experienced personnel can save more than their cost. It can be too hierarchical in the way it structures its various levels of involvement in the improvement activity. The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is usedA to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.
It was originated by Drs. The balanced total quality management essay suggests that we view the organization from four perspectives, and to develop metrics, collect data and analyze it relative to each of these perspectives:.
The Business Process Perspective refers to total quality management essay business processes. Metrics based on this perspective allow the managers to know how well their business is running, and whether its products and services conform to customer requirements. The Customer Perspective explains that the realization of the importance of customer focus and customer satisfaction in any business is essential. The Financial Perspective states that often there is more than enough handling and processing of financial data.
With the implementation of a corporate database, it is hoped that more of the processing can be centralized and automated. Quality indeed provides companies with a competitive edge. Though there are pitfalls to the strategic implication of TQM, compilation of proper initiatives can reduce the occurrence of such pitfalls. TQM initiatives total quality management essay also result in customer satisfaction, thereby resulting in customer loyalty.
Saunders simply defines methodology total quality management essay Haralambos however goes a bit further by explaining what methodology is concerned with. He sees methodology as being. The research to be conducted will take a deductive approach.
Although the research is a deductive piece of work, the researcher will adopt a mixed approach to data collection. That is the research paradigm will be a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative data.
Total Quality Management (TQM)
, time: 1:14Total Quality Management (TQM) - Words | Essay Example
Quality Glossary Definition: TQM A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a management approach to long–term success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work Mar 19, · Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy and paradigm that focus on a continuous improvement approach of doing business. Typically, TQM embraces wide scope of management approach that focuses on the strategy to manage people and organizations Jun 26, · Total quality management looks at a company’s operations holistically and determines best practice quality initiatives. Though there are pitfalls to the strategic implication of TQM, compilation of proper initiatives can reduce the occurrence of such pitfalls/5(5)
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